We drove to Tettegouche State Park on Wednesday. We stopped at Palisade Head on the way to the Park. It is a tall cliff, that you drive up curvy roads to get to the top of. There was a fishing boat on the Lake near the cliff which Kora thought was a toy boat because it looked so small from the top of the cliff. We had to show her the people in the boat before she believed us that it was a real boat.
One of the ships that we saw while at Palisade Head.
Jason picking juneberries. Jesse was impressed on how many
juneberries there were on the North Shore.
We then went into the state park and hiked the trail to Shovel Point.
Lots more stairs to go up and down.
I had to take a picture of them holding hands to show them
that they really do get along at times.

Peregrine falcon - view from Shovel Point.
Several were nesting along the cliffs.
Views from Shovel Point. Jesse also found that there were wild blueberries
growing all long the trail to Shovel Point which he, Kora, and Jason enjoyed.
Next, we hiked to High Falls, which is the tallest waterfall in Minnesota. Along the way, we also saw the Two Step Falls. The kids were getting pretty tired by the end of this hike, and they almost didn't make it to see the complete falls, (lots more steps). We encouraged Kora to finish the hike by telling her we had Twizzlers licorice in the car for her when she finished the hike. That motivated her and she was all energized again to see the falls and walk back to the car.
On the way back to Gooseberry Falls, we stopped at the Black Beach, which is the only one like it. The rocks are all black from taconite waste that was dumped in the lake in that area years earlier. This was their favorite beach of all the ones we stopped at.

Jesse enjoyed the cold water after another day
full of going up and down stairs.
Jason found another cliff to climb.
After another thunderstorm went through in the afternoon, we were able to cook supper. We had our s'mores right away this time so that we wouldn't miss out later if it started raining again, which it did. We went back to the Middle and Lower Falls again in the evening so they could climb on the rocks around the falls. It did rain again by the time we got back to the campground.